Furcadian Name: Symbolical.
Irl name: Josh. Hehehehehe.
Furcadian age: Unknown
Ever been a beekin?: No. I once submitted an app, but until this day Ive had no reply. D:
What badge would you be if you were a beekin?: Helper. I love to just be there to help people. Its a TRAIT.
What would you do if somone new came into a bah and they never been
to a bah before?(50 words at least): Ok? Your new? Bah is like a place, you build a home, which is what the title is. Build a Home. NO Build a Bear. Build a Home. You use commands, i.e. Items to go to places and get things. But the first step is getting a home. The house numbers are 1-22 and those are the numbers you say. This will take you to that number home you just said. Once you have found a house you think fits, come tell a staffeh and they will give it to you. Now, once you seem to of entered your home and got used to it its time to start. Using commands you get the tools you need. By saying commands you can get the most out of the BaH. If you say floors, you will be taken to a floor room. Here you can copy and paste floors into your home. To do this, just stand on a floor you like and say "copyf". Once that is done, go to your house and say "pfloor" where you want the floor. Where you can pick up items to put in your home by standing on one you like and pressing F2. Then going to the spot you like and pressing F2 again to drop the item where you are standing. Simple, and fun once you get into it <3. OH, but there are a few add-ons. You can also buy gardens if you don't feel up to decorating a whole home. The garden commands are the same as the home commands. (F2 to pick up.) To get to the gardens you just say anything from g1 to g7. This stands for Garden one, Garden 2 etc... And one last thing, There are things called house checks. This means that if a House check is announced by emit, and you are not in your yard when the staff come around. Your house will be put up for sale and cleared of items. Have fun. And dont steal, or do anything breaking the rules. Its bad. And its for llammas. Are you a lamma? No.
Why do you want to work here and think you are sutible enough for here?:Im perfect
. Just kidding. Im great at helping, and well, I have tons of friends. I dont know any reason why I would be a burden. Although I do tend to talk alot.
Have you worked anywhere else: I have. No clue where, I forgetted again. Uhhh....but nowhere at the moment.
What are your favourite dreams?: No clue. I come and I go, thats my philosphy.
Why do you like rizzla's bah?: It isnt overcrowded, so there are plenty of houses, but at the same time, well, its nice.
have you got a furc family?:Baw. I have brothers, but mainly as like, a joke. I have gone to a few places but, most people who have families are n00bs.
Can you speak any other languages?: Zip. Taking spanish next year.
What do you think of the staff?: Great staff. Some seem a bit unsure about things, but thats probably cause its new.
What would you do if somone came in spamming (You cant bann or eject or tell anyone about it because they are all Afk.)?: Well. Best I can think of is tell them to stop. I dont care if I have to say it in 14 different languages. If he doesnt stop, well, hes a dick, and when the owner logs on, HE SHALL PAY. (scuse my language)
What did you think when you first came in the dream?: Pink. Lots of Pink.And other colors. Basicly, Its very colorfullllllll.