Furcadian Name: Zanarchu
Irl name: Kyle
Furcadian age: 18
Ever been a beekin?: No
What badge would you be if you were a beekin?:I don't want to be a beekin
What would you do if somone new came into a bah and they never been
to a bah before?(50 words at least): I would explain what and how everything works in the bah. If they wanted I may show them around or show them the commands. I would help them with anything they needed. If they had questions I would answer them, if I couldn't I would ask another staff.
Why do you want to work here and think you are sutible enough for here?: I want to work here, because I think it is a awesome dream. And I get along with alot of people. And I LOVE helping them. I think I am suitable because I love to work and I am on A LOT.
Have you worked anywhere esle?: Yes, Chuu/Broken Homes, build a home bah
What are your favourite dreams?: Dog pound. Zanobi, Wolf ruins. Authentic homes. Chuu's build a home.
Why do you like rizzla's bah?: I love bahs, and I have my own house here. I know alot of peolple that come here. And I like the people that do come here.
have you got a furc family?:Yes
Can you speak any other languages?: Yes
What do you think of the staff?: They're friendly and nice. They can help aot. Atleast they helped me
What would you do if somone came in spamming (You cant bann or eject or tell anyone about it because they are all Afk.)?:I would simply ask them to stop! If they did not I would tell the owner later if they were still on. I would ask the owner to deal with it or another staff can take it into there hand
What did you think when you first came in the dream?: I thought it was a sweet dream and right away I wanted my own house here
Any other comments?: No