Furcadian Name: Katie Gensue
Irl name:Keysha
Furcadian age:11
Ever been a beekin?: Nope.
What badge would you be if you were a beekin?: I think that I'd want to have a welcomer badge because I would like to help furres that are new to Furcadia.
What would you do if somone new came into a bah and they never been
to a bah before?(50 words at least): I would take them to the desk first and say "Hello, and welcome to Authentic Homes, here is the desk where you may ask an on duty staff member for help, home, etc." Then I would take them to the homes and say "These are the homes, you may pick one you like, and ask an onduty staff member as I said before. To know if a house is for sale you look at the sign in the yard. If it says for sale you may ask the staff member for it. There is also something called a house check, during the house check the staff come around the houses, and if there is no one in the yard of the house then they put it up for sale and clear the home for another furre to use. Then I would take them to the items and say "These are the items, once you get a house you may get any item you would like out of here, and put it in your house." Then I would tell them what the commands are and what they do, and I would answer any other questions that the furre had.
Why do you want to work here and think you are sutible enough for here?: Because I have a lot of experience, and I know what to do in a lot of situations.
Have you worked anywhere esle?: Yes, Cirrus Star Rabbit Homes, Mystic Homes, and Summer Homes.
What are your favourite dreams?: My favorite dreams are Summer Homes, and Cheezeh Homes.
Why do you like rizzla's bah?: I like rizzla's BaH because of how colorful it is, and how good the houses are.
have you got a furc family?: Nope D=.
Can you speak any other languages?: Just a few spanish words from a book I read.
What do you think of the staff?: I think that they are nice, and they know what to do in situations throughout the dream.
What would you do if somone came in spamming (You cant bann or eject or tell anyone about it because they are all Afk.)?: I would ask them to please stop, and I would keep cleaning up the messes untill someone that could help came or untill it got really late, and I had to go.
What did you think when you first came in the dream?: I thought that it was very colorful and happy, and I just loved the items.
Any other comments?: Just that I hope you like my application =)