Hi.. I didn't see anything you had to copy, so, I'm just writing about me..
Previous jobs: I've worked at the Chocolate BaH and Elequant Homes.
When I'm on: Most of the time during the week.. It depends whether I'm round my Dad's house.
Alt's I'm on most of the time: Cookehs, CrazyPea, Shardina
If another member of staff were to break a rule, I would; Remind them that they are on duty and tell the dream owner what they've done. But not try to cause anyone to lose their job.
If a furre in the dream were to break a rule; I would give them a warning and if they were to repeat the crime, or do another crime, I would put them on a warning eject to give the piece of mind.
There's not much else I think I can tell you.. But I'm sorry if I was supposed to copy and paste a thing onto here.. I couldn't see anything i was supposed to copy.. Apologies I fi made that mistake..