Furcadian Name: Scan
Irl name: Viki
Furcadian age: 16
Ever been a beekin?: Nope
What badge would you be if you were a beekin?: Helper...maybe?
What would you do if someone new came into a bah and they never been to a bah before?(50 words at least): If a new comer had fallen into my care, I'd probably explain to them what a BaH is and it's purpose. When done explaining that, I'd move onto telling them how to reach the commands and explain to them what each one did the best I can, then ask for any questions that they may have. After that, I'd ask them if they wanted a home.
(67 words)
Why do you want to work here and think you are suitable enough for here?: I wanna work here because I need something to do with my free time, which I have allot of and I wanna help people. I think I could work here because I'm social when I want to be, and I've been told that I'm help with allot of things.
Have you worked anywhere esle?: I work at Walsh Homes and Choco Homes; and I'm working with two other people to bring Star Homes back on it's feet. =)
What are your favorite dreams?: Walsh Homes and AI. =D
Why do you like rizzla's bah?: It's original and has a nice collection of items. ^-^
Have you got a furc family?: Uhh, no, I'm not a fan of 'em. :/
Can you speak any other languages?: Sorry, nope.
What do you think of the staff?: Most of them are nice and helpful.
What would you do if someone came in spamming (You cant ban or eject or tell anyone about it because they are all Afk.)?: I'd confront that bastard who's doing it and warn them to stop or they're going to be punished when the people come back from AFK land; If they continued to do it even after my warning, I'd have to whisper the people who are AFK telling them who was doing it. :/ There's nothing much you can pretty much to besides that.
What did you think when you first came in the dream?: ZOMG! WIZARD OF OZ! SICK. xD
Any other comments?: Nice yellow brick floors. x] They got me to look around. xD