Furcadian Name:Kimiko..The Thing
Irl name: Uh. I dun wanna say.
Furcadian age: 18
Ever been a beekin?: Nope
What badge would you be if you were a beekin?: Helper or Welcomer
What would you do if somone new came into a bah and they never been
to a bah before?(50 words at least):
Well first i'll say... "Hi welcome to Authentic Homes =D This is a BaH. A BaH is short for Build-a-home, where furres (People) Come to build their homes.
In this BaH, there are 22 houses. And there are 7 gardens. In a BaH, look at the houses and see which one you like, but make sure its got a sign saying For Sale, check the number of the house then go to the desk by saying 'desk'.
You say which house you want and they'll sell it to you. To decorate it, say items and pick up an item and place it where ever you want, but only inside the house. I hope you enjoy BaHs, and I really hope you enjoy this one as much as I do =P
Why do you want to work here and think you are sutible enough for here?: I want to work here because its a brilliant BaH, and i've always wanted to work in a BaH. I think i am sutible for this BaH because I am helpful, and I have a good knowlodge of BaHs and this one.
Have you worked anywhere esle?: Yup, Bun ears-BaH, Marc-dreams.
What are your favourite dreams?: I don't really have any =P
Why do you like rizzla's bah?: Because it is different and it is friendly place =D Also the houses' rooms are not that small and not that big, The gardens are huge which is good. nd that the items are great, not the ordinary-most-downloaded-patches.
have you got a furc family?: I did, but not any more.
Can you speak any other languages?: Nope. Only English.
What do you think of the staff?: I think they're very helpful and friendly. Some can be a bit annoying, but almost all of them are great.
What would you do if somone came in spamming (You cant bann or eject or tell anyone about it because they are all Afk.)?: I tell them to stop, if they dont, I'll just Tell them to stop again. If he/she keep on spamming,(If it has this command, I dont know the staff commands) I'll cuff him/her [Or push] somewhere. If he/she STILL keeps on going, I guess i'll have to find out a way to block him/her from mvoing somewhere until someone comes back.
What did you think when you first came in the dream?: Hmm. I thought the signs where HUGE. But as I looked around and went in the houses I thought this BaH was pretty nice, and when I started building houses I liked the items too.
Any other comments?: Nope =D